Sunday, March 2, 2008

Private Schools

Nowdays private schools are common in Oman,The majority are managed by and run for English-speaking. Many local families choose to send their children to these schools, perhaps in the belief that the tuition will be better and also because of the international importance of the English language. The vast majority of private schools teach in English, including the Indian and Pakistani schools. send their children to international schools, at which the main teaching language is English.

Most private schools are co-educational and provide tuition to children from pre-school nursery groups through to university entrance examinations.

The cost of private education can be high, but in some cases the fees are paid by your employer as part of your contract. It’s vitally important to be aware of the cost of private schooling over the course of a child’s education, particularly if this will include university. What might begin as a manageable expense can quickly become a major financial encumbrance if there are regular increases in fees, as there often are.


برالامان said...

private school is also useful for children.
most families in Oman enter their children to this kind of schools to become more effecintly when they become at pre-school>>>

thanks dear >>>
it is nice subject to talk about>

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